Travis County Community Health Improvement Plan

Status: Current
Year: 2013
Location: South
Client: Government organizations
Services Provided: Assessment and Planning, Multi-Sector Convening, Training and Technical Assistance, Leadership Coaching, Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness
Technical Expertise: Mental & Behavioral Health, Other

HRiA worked with the Travis County Hospital District (Central Health, Austin, TX) to lead a senior level community planning process to develop a shared vision and plan for the future of health and healthcare in Central Texas. HRiA partnered with the client to shape the planning process, developed a White Paper to make a compelling case on this issue, and facilitated a multi-event dialogue process for senior level business leaders and decision makers to identify shared priorities, strategies, and action steps for health and health care planning. This process served as a foundation for the Travis County CHA-CHIP process led by the Travis County Health and Human Services Department and facilitated and completed by HRiA in December, 2012. HRiA has provided technical assistance to Together We Thrive, the coalition established to develop, implement and monitor the CHIP, for all three years of Action Plan development, implementation, and reporting.T

he white paper can be found at