Heather Sumba, MS


Associate Director, Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness

Heather Sumba is an Associate Director on the Strategic Planning & Organizational Effectiveness team at HRiA.

She provides direct capacity building assistance services, including training, technical assistance, and facilitation support to clients and their stakeholders.  Heather also supports the community health improvement, capacity building, and consulting work of the Strategic Planning & Organizational Effectiveness team through qualitative data collection activities, data synthesis, and planning initiatives.  During her tenure with HRiA, Heather has worked with and supported various coalitions, government agencies, community organizations and state and local health departments.  She has over 18 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, having previously worked for organizations such as the Center for Reproductive Rights, the International Center for Transitional Justice, the United Methodist Committee on Relief-NGO, and the American Historical Association.  In 2016, Heather helped to establish Neucrue Cancer Fight, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money to fight a rare type of cancer (fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma), where she currently serves as the Board Secretary/Treasurer.  She has a Master of Science in Global Affairs from the Division of Global Affairs at Rutgers-Newark, the State University of New Jersey, and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, with a concentration in conflict and security from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University.