Author: Tamaki West

Using the FAST Approach to Enhance the Worksite Wellness Council of Massachusetts

In June 2016, HRiA facilitated a FAST rapid strategic planning process for the Worksite Wellness Council of Massachusetts (WWCMA). WWCMA is a membership organization offering resources and networking opportunities to help members cultivate and sustain a culture of health and wellness for employees and their families across Massachusetts. HRiA worked with the WWCMA board to… Read more »

HRiA co-hosts first statewide Health Impact Assessment conference

“It’s the job of public health to tell the truth about what creates health.” Conference keynote speaker, Jeanne Ayers, the Chief Health Equity Strategist for the Minnesota Department of Health inspired the room full of professionals. On December 8, 2016, over 100 people came together at the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston for an important… Read more »

HRiA welcomes news that all public housing in U.S. will be smoke-free in 18 months

I am thrilled that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced yesterday that it is requiring all public housing in the country to be smoke-free within 18 months. The rule prohibits lit tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, or pipes) in all living units, indoor common areas, administrative offices, and all outdoor areas within 25… Read more »

Peer Review Showcases the “Community” in the Scientific Community

OK, it may not exactly have the drama of a Red Sox game or the glamour of the Emmys, but scientific peer review does have a charm all its own. Fall is always a busy season for The Medical Foundation (TMF) at HRiA: it seems like every week this fall we convened a scientific review… Read more »