Community Health

HRSN Integration Fund

Supporting Massachusetts community-based organizations interested in becoming MassHealth managed care providers to provide housing and nutrition services

Grant closed

Grant Details

The purpose of the Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Integration Fund is to support Massachusetts community-based organizations interested in becoming MassHealth managed care providers to provide housing and nutrition services to eligible MassHealth members. Specifically, the HRSN Integration Fund will support community-based organizations to increase knowledge and capacity, enhance technology, and put in place systems and processes to enable them to effectively participate as Health-Related Social Needs Providers beginning January 1, 2025.

Grant Application is Closed

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) is pleased to announce a Grant Application to solicit applications for funding under the Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Integration Fund. The goal of the HRSN Integration Fund is to support organizations to increase knowledge and capacity, enhance technology, and establish systems and processes to enable them to effectively contract with MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) for HRSN Services, anticipated to begin on January 1, 2025. In addition, applicants may propose leveraging HRSN Integration Funds to establish and operationalize Hubs as a method for delivering HRSN Services to Enrollees.

The Grant Application is available on COMMBUYS as #BD-25-1039-EHS01-ASHWA-105918 at this link:

Please note that while the Grant Application and accompanying materials are available on COMMBUYS, the submission instructions and Model Grant Agreement are linked below:

HRSN Provider Resources:

1. MCO & MBHP Contacts for Provider Credentialing and Enrollment Assistance:

  • Contacts for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership dedicated to assisting HRSN Providers with inquiries concerning the credentialing and enrollment processes. Click here for a document dedicated to assisting HRSN Providers with inquiries concerning the credentialing and enrollment processes.
  • Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions at

2. NPI Taxonomy Code Reference for MassHealth HRSN Services:

Introduction to NPI Taxonomy Codes for MassHealth HRSN Providers: Listed in this document are examples of organizational-level taxonomy codes that may be relevant to future HRSN (Health Related Social Needs) Providers seeking to register for National Provider Identification (NPI) numbers. Click here to access the document. 

3. ACO-HRSN Provider Partnership Contacts:

Potential HRSN Providers: To foster collaboration and streamline communication between Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Providers and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), MassHealth has worked with ACOs to publish a list of ACO Provider Partnership Contacts to utilize if you are interested in potentially creating partnerships with an ACO to offer HRSN Services in 2025. The contact list contains the following information for each ACO contact: ACO, Name, Position, Email Address, and Phone Number. The excel document is available for download on the HRSN website.

4. Simple HRSN Budget  Forecasting Tool: 

This tool is intended to help your agency think about direct staff costs and revenue. It is intended to be a simplified version of a budgeting tool, meant to visualize how much revenue Supportive Housing or other Health Related Social Needs Services could generate for your agency, as well as how much billable time each staff person will need to work in order to break even to cover the costs of their pay.

5. Sample Claims Processing Job Aid:

A claims processing job aid is a guide that outline the necessary steps and lists useful plan-specific directions to submit a claim, or correct a claim already submitted. Linked is an example of a fictional plan called “MassBay Wellness Plan” that may serve as a template as you develop your own job aids for the plans you are contracted with.


Past Events:

Webinar Seven: HRSN Claims 201

Date and Time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Description: In this seventh webinar, Jeffrey Neal, MassHealth Deputy Director of Behavioral Health Contract Management and a Certified Professional Biller, expanded on the webinar in August on understanding claims and billing as an HRSN Provider. He conducted a further examination of the claims submission process and discussed strategies for integrating this process within your organization. The submission of a “clean claim” is essential for your organization, as it enables HRSN providers to receive timely payment for the services rendered. Additionally, he delved into the topic of claim denials and provided a detailed, step-by-step approach to resubmissions aimed at correcting errors promptly and resolving denial issues.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording of the presentation

Webinar Six:  Financial Management in a Medicaid Environment

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Description: In this sixth webinar, we explored the fiscal and administrative distinctions between operating in a grants-based environment versus a Medicaid revenue-generating setting, as well as the strategies and techniques necessary to effectively manage this transition.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording of the presentation

Webinar Five: Understanding Claims and Billing as an HRSN Provider

Date and Time: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Description: This 5th webinar provided an overview of claims and billing – a critical process for HRSN providers to receive payment for services provided. Note that a follow-up webinar  will focus on details relevant specifically to HRSN claims and billing.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording of the presentation

Webinar Four: Hubs & Third-Party Billing Options for HRSN Transition

Date and Time: Monday, June 10, 2024, from 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Description: This webinar highlights alternative approaches and additional resources that are available to support becoming an HRSN Provider, including hubs and third-party organizations.  Hubs and other third-party organizations can be considered to manage many of the administrative and infrastructure functions on behalf of the Provider.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording

HRSN Public Facing Sign Up Sheet:

The HRSN Public Facing Sign Up Sheet is an opportunity for future HRSN Providers to indicate if they seek support or partnerships with other CBOs and SSOs.  This is a chance to engage with one another as you determine what updates you need to make to your organization’s administrative functions and how you can work collectively to accomplish those goals. Please go on the sign up sheet here and connect with your peers!

Important Guidance on NPIs for HRSN Services Providers Considering the Hub Model:

All organizations interested in providing HRSN Services as a part of a hub model should acquire a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number, regardless of whether they anticipate acting as a parent or satellite agency. The NPI number is an important identifier for all organizations delivering HRSN services. For more information on NPIs, please review our webinar “How to Apply for a National Provider Identifier (NPI)” below.

Webinar Three: How to Apply for a National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Date and time: Monday, May 20, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Description: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) interested in partnering with ACOs to deliver nutrition and/or housing-related services will need to obtain a National Provider Identification Number (NPI). Applying for an NPI number is an essential first step to becoming an HRSN Provider. This webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the process needed to complete the NPI application.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording

Webinar Two: Provider 101: HRSN Provider Contracting, Credentialing, & Enrollment

Date and time: Monday, May 6, 2024, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Description: In 2025, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) will enter into contracts with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide housing and nutrition-related services also known as Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services. This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the process to successfully become an HRSN Provider and critical steps that organizations should consider.

  • Click here for the slides
  • Click here for the video recording

Webinar One: Learning about MassHealth and Managed Care for Community-based Nutrition and Housing Organizations

Date: Thursday, March 28, 2024, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Description:  For the past several years, MassHealth has run the Flexible Services Program, which provides housing and nutrition supports to eligible ACO members. The Flexible Services Program is moving to a managed care Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) framework. This webinar will touch on how this transition will impact agencies currently providing Flexible Services.

  • Click here for the slides

Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services Implementation Public Meeting

  • November 17, 2023 MassHealth HRSN Public Meeting: click here for the slides

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