Grant Status: Junior Faculty Awards

Smith Family Foundation: Odyssey Award

The Smith Family Foundation is committed to effecting permanent positive change in the lives of the residents of Greater Boston, particularly individuals and families in economically disadvantaged communities.  In the area of health, the Foundation supports the advancement of biomedical research and the expansion of access to high-quality health care at safety net institutions serving… Read more »

The Hilda and Preston Davis Foundation Awards Program for Eating Disorders Research: Junior Faculty

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and impact our personal and professional lives. We want to assure our trustees, reviewers, and grantee communities that our TMF staff continues to provide high quality biomedical research grantmaking services. We will do our part to help manage any potential challenges and continue supporting research to the extent that… Read more »

Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research

SUPPORTING BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION AND DISCOVERY BY EARLY-CAREER INVESTIGATORS For the past 32 years, the Smith Family Foundation has been supporting groundbreaking medical research through the Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research. Its mission is to launch the careers of newly independent biomedical researchers with the ultimate goal of achieving medical breakthroughs. Applications… Read more »

Charles H. Hood Foundation
Child Health Research Awards Program

ADVANCING CHILD HEALTH THROUGH THE SUPPORT OF MEDICAL RESEARCH SINCE 1942 The Charles H. Hood Foundation was incorporated in 1942 to improve the health and quality of life for children through grant support of New England-based pediatric researchers. In total, the Hood Foundation has distributed over $80 million to New England investigators, many of whom… Read more »