Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund


The Noonan Fund Office Hours session was held on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. This informational session gave applicants an overview of the program and answered general questions about the program. A recording of the Office Hours presentation is available here

The Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund, established in 1947 by Frank M. Noonan in memory of his mother, continues its proud tradition of supporting improvements in the quality of life for children and adolescents with disabilities with two-year grants up to $160,000 (inclusive of 20% indirect costs). Recognizing that health services and supports are provided in a wide range of community settings as well as hospitals, the Noonan Research program supports innovative clinical and service system research, pilot, and evaluation projects from both nonprofit organizations and academic institutions that serve children and adolescents with chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional disabilities and associated health-related complications. Eligible organizations and target populations must be within the Fund’s geographic area of interest of Greater Boston.

Neither a faculty position nor an advanced degree is required. Investigators may be advanced practice providers, registered nurses, educators, allied therapists, social workers, and/or other community members that work with children and adolescents with disabilities.

Proposals for basic science research will not be considered, nor will applications for capital costs such as buildings, renovations, or major equipment items. The Noonan Fund does not support direct service, primary prevention projects, or primary medical conditions such as obesity or device development. Drug trials are not supported by the Noonan Research Fund.

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