Community Health

Fanny Holt Ames and Edna Louise Holt Fund

Improving community health outcomes in Grafton, Vermont and surrounding towns

Grant Details

Application Deadline April 7, 2025 5:00 pm, EST
Funding Webinar February 22, 2025 2:00 pm, EST


The 2025-2026 grant application process is Open for Traditional and Housing grant opportunities.

The Fanny Holt Ames and Edna Louise Holt Fund (the Holt Fund) was created at Edna Louise Holt’s instructions, and established in 2000, with Bank of America as the Trustee. Miss Holt and her sister were longtime residents of Grafton, Vermont; they held a deep and abiding concern for the health and well-being of the residents in the communities where they lived. The Fund’s objective is to meet the health and medical needs of Grafton, Vermont and surrounding towns with primary consideration given to Grace Cottage Hospital. The Trustee has contracted with Health Resources in Action to support the charitable purpose of the Holt Fund.

To date, the Holt Fund has invested more than $21 million in programs to improve community health outcomes in Grafton, Vermont and surrounding towns.

As guiding principles, the Holt Fund:

  • Awards grants on a competitive basis to nonprofit 501(c)3 public charities as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code
  • Makes grant decisions based upon the needs of the communities, recognizing that needs evolve over time.
  • Focuses its resources on programs and organizations that will have a positive and lasting impact on the largest number of people.

Grant Categories


  • Small Grants – Applicants may apply for single-year grants of up to $15,000 for discrete projects or programmatic expenses. Applicants must complete the parts of the online application required for small grants.
  • Large Grants – Applicants may apply for single- or multi-year requests (up to three years) of over $15,000 for program or project support, operating expenses (for organizations with annual budgets less than $1 million), or capital support.

Housing Initiative: 

  • Established in in 2019 in response to community input and demonstrated need to invest in initiatives or projects related to housing as a social determinant of health.
  • Applicants may apply for a single- or multi-year request (up to three years), up to $100,000 per year.

Distribution Review Committee

Meet Our Distribution Review Committee!

The Holt Fund’s Distribution Review Committee is comprised of members who live and/or work in Grafton and supporting communities, as well as have deep knowledge of the Fund’s priorities.  Committee members review applications submitted to the Holt Fund and collectively provide input and funding recommendations to the Trustee.

Below is a list of our current members:

Sadie FischesserVT Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division
Sue GraffVT Agency of Human Services
Marty HammondSouthern Vermont Area Health Education Center
Courtney HillhouseBuilding Bright Futures
Chloe LeareyWinston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development
Amanda SidlerSpringfield Regional Development Corporation

Please contact if you are interested in learning more about joining or nominating someone for the Distribution Review Committee, or if you have any questions about our funding opportunities.

2025-2026 Funding Webinar