MAAP 2019 Survey

Welcome to the Massachusetts Asthma Advocacy Partnership (MAAP) Assessment! 

The purpose of this  survey is to gain your input on MAAP’s current strengths and areas for growth. It will be used to inform MAAP’s internal planning efforts. Please consider your responses in terms of MAAP as a partnership and the value that it brings to asthma work around Massachusetts. 

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your participation in this process is very important. The MAAP Steering Committee will use the data to make MAAP stronger..

The deadline for completing this survey is Friday August 2nd.  

The information gathered will be kept confidential.  All reports will present aggregated data, and will not include information that could identify any individuals.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Donna Burke at Health Resources in Action  –

Thank you for your participation.