Biomedical Research

Smith Family Foundation: Odyssey Award

Fueling creativity and innovation in junior investigators


The Smith Family Foundation Odyssey Award was created in 2017 to fuel creativity and innovation in junior investigators in the basic sciences.  The Award supports the pursuit of high impact ideas to generate breakthroughs and drive new directions in biomedical research.  The awards will fund high-risk, high-reward pilot projects solicited from our brightest junior faculty in the Greater Boston area.

The Smith Family Foundation is committed to affecting permanent positive change in the lives of the residents of Greater Boston, particularly individuals and families in economically disadvantaged communities.  In the area of health, the Foundation supports the advancement of biomedical research and the expansion of access to high-quality health care at safety net institutions serving low-income individuals and communities of Greater Boston.


Junior investigators that are between four and nine years from their first independent faculty appointment are eligible to apply.  

Previous Awardees of the Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research are eligible to apply for the Smith Family Foundation: Odyssey Award. See 2025 Application Guidelines for full criteria.

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