RWJ Barnabas Health 2024 Community Health Survey

Thank you for your help in promoting the RWJBarnabas Health 2024 Community Health Survey!

Please use the promotional toolkit resources below to help promote the survey in your communities. The promotional toolkit resources on this page include flyers, key messaging, social media content, and more. Resources are available in 8 languages.

Many of these materials are editable, so that you can tailor them to your community.  Please feel free to insert the name of your city or county, remove logos or add those of your community partners, and change the language to better reflect your personal voice.

Please note that all versions of materials are available in English.  We have provided one sample flyer for each other language, but you can feel free to copy and paste text from other languages into any of the flyers that you think would most resonate with your community members to encourage their participation in the survey.

Please each out to if you have any questions.

Survey link and QR code:

Table of Contents

Hard copy surveys
Recruitment materials for community members
Recruitment materials to use in RWJB facilities

General resources: 

Hard Copy Surveys

2024 RWJB Community Survey 06.28.2024 (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Arabic (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Chinese (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Haitian Creole (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Hindi (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Portuguese (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Spanish (PDF)
2024 RWJB Community Survey Yiddish (PDF)

Recruitment Materials for Community Members

English Resources
Arabic Resources
Chinese Resources
Haitian Creole Resources
Hindi Resources
Portuguese Resources
Spanish Resources
Yiddish Resources


2024 RWJB Community Survey 06.28.2024 (PDF)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Social Media Post_Purple (PNG)
Social Media Post_Orange (PNG)
Flyers_Eng_Resized (Word)
Flyers_Eng_Resized (PDF)
Outreach Email Templates_Eng (Word) 
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Eng (Powerpoint)
Postcards_Eng (Word)
Postcards_Eng (PDF)
QR Code Tent Big_Eng (PDF)
QR Code Tent Small_Eng (PDF)
Social Media Post_Eng (Word)
Text for Social Media Post


2024 RWJB Community Survey Arabic (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
QR Tent_Small (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_Arabic_Resized (Word)
Flyer_Arabic_Resized (PDF)
Outreach Email to Community Members__Arabic (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Arabic (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Arabic (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_Arabic (Word)
Postcard_B&W_Arabic (PDF)
Postcard_Color_Arabic (Word)
Postcard_Color_Arabic (PDF)


2024 RWJB Community Survey Chinese (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
QR Tent_Small (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_Chinese_Resized (Word)
Flyer_Chinese_Resized (PDF)
Outreach Email to Community Members__Ch (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Ch (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Ch (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_Ch (PDF)
Postcard_B&W_Ch (Word)
Postcard_Color_Ch (Word)
Postcard_Color_Ch (PDF)

Haitian Creole

2024 RWJB Community Survey Haitian Creole (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
QR Tent_Small (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_HC_Resized (PDF)
Flyer_HC_Resized (Word)
Outreach Email to Community Members__HC (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_HC (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_HC (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_HC (Word)
Postcard_B&W_HC (PDF)
Postcard_Color_HC (Word)
Postcard_Color_HC (PDF)
Social_Media_Post_HC (Word)


2024 RWJB Community Survey Hindi (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
QR Tent_Small (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_Hindi_Resized (PDF)
Flyer_Hindi_Resized (Word)
Outreach Email to Community Members__Hindi (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Hindi (Powerpoint)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Hindi (PDF)
Postcard_B&W_Hindi (PDF)
Postcard_B&W_Hindi (Word)
Postcard_Color_Hindi (PDF)
Postcard_Color_Hindi (Word)


2024 RWJB Community Survey Portuguese (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
QR Tent_Small (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_PT_Resized (PDF)
Flyer_PT_Resized (Word)
Outreach Email to Community Members__PT (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_PT (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_PT (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_PT Word
Postcard_B&W_PT PDF
Postcard_Color_PT Word
Postcard_Color_PT PDF
Social_Media_Post_PT Word


2024 RWJB Community Survey Spanish (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF) 
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_Spanish_Resized (PDF)
Flyer_Spanish_Resized (Word)
Outreach Email to Community Members__Spanish (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Spanish (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Spanish (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_Spanish (PDF)
Postcard_B&W_Spanish (Word)
Postcard_Color_Spanish (Word)
Postcard_Color_Spanish (PDF)
QR Tent_Small_Spanish (PDF)
Social_Media_Post_Spanish (Word)


2024 RWJB Community Survey Yiddish (PDF)
QR Tent_Large (PDF)
Social Media Post (JPG)
Text for Social Media Post (Word)
Flyer_Yiddish_Resized (PDF)
Flyer_Yiddish_Resized (Word)
Outreach Email to Community Members_Yiddish (Word)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Yiddish (PDF)
Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Yiddish (Powerpoint)
Postcard_B&W_Yiddish (PDF)
Postcard_B&W_Yiddish (Word)
Postcard_Color_Yiddish (PDF)
Postcard_Color_Yiddish (Word)
QR Tent_Small_Yiddish (PDF)

Materials for RWJB Facility-Based Recruitment

Resources for Printing

Printing Services Training Manual (PDF)
Sizes of Printed Materials (PDF)
Instructions for Folding QR Code Tents (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Arabic (JPG)
Flyer_Arabic (PDF)
Postcard_Arabic_BW (PDF)
Postcard_Arabic_Color (PDF)
QR Tent Large Arabic (PDF)
QR Tent Small Arabic (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Chinese (JPG)
Flyer_Chinese (PDF)
Postcard_Chinese_BW (PDF)
Postcard_Chinese_Color (PDF)
QR Tent Large Chinese (PDF)
QR Tent Small Chinese (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_English (JPG)
Flyer_Eng_1 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_2 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_3 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_4 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_5 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_6 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_7 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_8 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_9 (PDF)
Flyer_Eng_10 (PDF)
Postcard_English_1 (PDF)
Postcard_English_2 (PDF)
Postcard_English_3 (PDF)
Postcard_English_4 (PDF)
Postcard_English_5 (PDF)
Postcard_English_6 (PDF)
Postcard_English_7 (PDF)
Postcard_English_8 (PDF)
Postcard_English_9 (PDF)
Postcard_English_10 (PDF)
QR Tent Large English (PDF)
QR Tent Small English (PDF)

Haitian Creole

Community Health Resident Survey Slide_HC (JPG)
Flyer_HC (PDF)
Postcard_HC_BW (PDF)
Postcard_HC_color (PDF)
QR Tent Large HC (PDF)
QR Tent Small HC (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Hindi (JPG)
Flyer_Hindi (PDF)
Postcard_Hindi_BW (PDF)
Postcard_Hindi_color (PDF)
QR Tent Large Hindi (PDF)
QR Tent Small Hindi (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Portuguese (JPG)
Flyer_Portuguese (PDF)
Postcard_Portuguese_BW (PDF)
Postcard_Portuguese_color (PDF)
QR Tent Large Portuguese (PDF)
QR Tent Small Portuguese (PDF)


Community Health Resident Survey Slide_Yiddish (JPG)
Flyer_Yiddish (PDF)
Postcard_Yiddish_BW (PDF)
Postcard_Yiddish_color (PDF)
QR Tent Large Yiddish (PDF)
QR Tent Small Yiddish (PDF)